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April 16, 2007 Archives

April 16, 2007



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Daily Dudetube

i suppose that's just the way the cookie crumbles

Does that stud from MTV's Exposed: Celebrity Edition look familiar? Of course, it's Miguel from Fratmen. Miguel/Nick was competing for a date with some chick from Beauty & The Geek. He admitted that he had done some underwear modelling and that he also go go danced in LA. He didn't get picked for the date so hopefully he'll be back getting naked for us guys soon.


I had heard rumblings about former child shinger Charlotte Church's UK talk show. Yesterday I jumped on youtube and watched a bunch of clips. The show has been getting some buzz for her unconventional duets with Fergie, Amy Winehouse and Nelly Furtado, but it turns out that Charlotte is a really charming and fun interviewer. Check out this great clip with out actor John Barrowman where they discuss accents and Sean Hayes sexuality. You can also check out tons of Charlotte on her youtube page.


I think that Brent Corrigan is one of the cutest and sexiest guys out there. I can't get enough of checking out his Blog. Brent recently did a feature where he invited all his fans into his closet. It's a nice journey through Brent's life and career and is a whole lot of fun to see.

Joe Oppedisano


Joe Oppedisano is one of my favorite photographers. You might recognize his work from OUT or GayTimes. I bought his book Testosterone as a present for myself in December and I have to say it was the best thing I got for the holidays. Joe was nice enough to share some of his recent work with me and you readers. There were so many great shots that you'll have to come back tomorrow for more pictures. Enjoy Joe's work!

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About April 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Dudetube in April 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 14, 2007 is the previous archive.

April 17, 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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