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April 17, 2007 Archives

April 17, 2007

Dryden Mitchell

Lead singer of Alien Ant Farm

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Daily Dudetube

i still got that nasty in me, still got that dirty degree

Fratmen has brought back some alumni for the hot new video On the Mat. This is the one for all guys who love to see hot studs wrestling around. The video features Daniel vs. Kelan and Sam vs. Carter. All the guys are in great shape and it's so hot to see those toned bodies in action. Check out all the wrestling action at Fratmen.



DC's weekly 52 series is coming to a close. This week issue # 50 is out featuring the heroes of the DCU conforting Black Adam. I'm excited to see Justiano's art in this issue. I think he did an amazing job on the Day of Vengeance mini series. I'd love to see him on a mainstream DC title.


I'm trying to not get sucked into the new Bravo reality series Shear Genius. After Project Runway, Top Chef & Top Design I'm not sure I have room for one more. But I did kinda enjoy the first episode. I also thought that challenge winner Theodore is adorable.

Joe Oppedisano: Part Two


Ok studs, here's the second half of the amazing new images from superstar photographer Joe Oppedisano. Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of Joe's work on the blog. If you like his work I can't recommend his book Testosterone enough. If you missed yesterday's photos check them out HERE. Big thanks to Joe for sharing with all of us.

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About April 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Dudetube in April 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 16, 2007 is the previous archive.

April 18, 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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