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April 18, 2007 Archives

April 18, 2007



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Daily Dudetube

by the time i'm out the door you tear me down like roger moore

The second issue of Mighty Avengers hits the stands today. Besides having gorgeous art by Frank Cho this series also has great characterization from Brian Bendis. I love how Bendis is jamming so much in each issue of both Avengers series. Last issue we saw the formation of a new team, Mole Man attacking Los Angeles and Iron Man transforming into a hot naked robot chick. I've been obsessed with Jocasta lately and would love if she shows up in this arc. The latest issue of Birds of Prey is also out today. It's fun to see the Birds cross paths with Gail Simone's Secret Six, but everyone is talking about the last page of issue #104. Ice/Tora is definitely a fan favorite of the JLI era for being an antidote to some of the darker heroes. I think her story got a good wrap up in I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League, but I'm interested in seeing what Gail does.



Cuban actor/model William Levy has to be one of the hottest studs out there. I think he's got potential to be the Latin Brad pitt. Watch out Rodrigo Santoro. William has his own site.


Check out the latest Spider-man 3 trailer with a lot of Venom goodness.



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About April 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Dudetube in April 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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April 19, 2007 is the next archive.

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