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June 21, 2007 Archives

June 21, 2007

Daily Dudetube


Last week UCLA head it's annual "Undie Run" to commemorate the end of finals. Dudetube Chat hottie 123 was one of the participants and wanted to share these pics. Can you pick him out of the crowd?



This weekend at the Charlotte HeroesCon I picked up a bunch of old issues of Defenders. Made up of d-list unknowns and big heroes who don't work well with others Defenders was definitely a strange title. I loved this scene with former model Patsy Walker/Hellcat hanging out with famous comic book star Millie the Model. I also had to share this picture from the Con of unofficial Dudetube model Kurt dressed up as Captain America.




The studs in the Fratpad consistently turn out some of the hottest shows online. Alan has returned to the Pad after a short break so the Pad hottness level is dangerously high. I love that you never know what you'll see in the Pad. Since you're chating live with the guys you're right there participating in the excitement. Don't worry if you miss your favorite guy because there's tons of archives. Head on over to the Fratpad and tell them Dudetube sent ya.



This is an adult-oriented website that contains nudity and sexually explicit language. Do not enter this site if you are under 18 years of age or if you live in a state or country that prohibits access to sexually explicit material.


About June 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Dudetube in June 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 20, 2007 is the previous archive.

June 22, 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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