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Comments (9)


I've been the sales clerk in situations like this -- and it's as fun as it looks! As for the health risks, i like to think that the clerk used his employee discount to buy all the leftovers, retire, and live off the residuals of a website that sells gear to sniff freaks.


man that was so hot..that clerk certainly loved the view..as did i :)


I can't believe that this place allow underwear to be fitted. I don't want to buy or fit an underwear fitted by somebody else besides me.

I agree with everything the others have posted, and yes he did look best in the blue swim suit, but he looks even better without any. What Stste in the Union allows people to try on swim suits without wearing their underwear? It's against the law in most states due to health reasons: body lice, etc. And legalities aside, why wasn't that sales clerk back in a flash with something else for him to try on that cute pecker? Curious minds want to know!


The clerk was SO coming on to him. He should have invited him in.


What a hot video! I wish I worked at that store!

italy 13:

where is the rest, you mean to tell me the sales clerk didn't come back and blow him???


Man i LUV public nudity and sex sooo much. Nothing like showin it all off in a dressing room!


Not sure I get this vid.....but regardless....I would have picked the blue and white suit....looks good on him.

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